Pickled Broccoli Rabe

Prep TIme: 15 minutes

Makes 500 ML Mason jar (packed tight)

This particular preserve is a personal favourite, it’s got a nice kick. Serve it on toasted bread with a white bean puree, and keep that flavoured oil to dress a piece of meat or a salad!


2 bunches of broccoli rabe (rapini), trimmed and washed

2 cups EMMA White Wine Vinegar

2 cups water

4 cloves garlic, thinly sliced

1 red chili, thinly sliced

2 tbsp salt

Emma Extra Virgin Olive Oil to cover


  1. Bring the 2 cups of vinegar and water to a boil, add the greens, garlic, chili, and salt and cook for 5 minutes.

  2. Drain and pat dry, trying to remove as much moisture as possible. Set everything on a paper towel over a cookie sheet and cool to room temperature.

  3. Add a splash of olive oil to the bottom of the 500 mL mason jar, and pack the rapini, garlic, and chili tightly in the jar. You may have to squeeze out some excess pickling liquid.

  4. Fill to the brim with olive oil. Close the lid tightly and store upside down to seal. Let it sit at least 5 days before eating. Once opened, it will last in the fridge for 5-7 days, submerged in olive oil.


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